M. Popova, “Spetsifika khudozhestvennykh strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga s 1990-kh gg. na primere rabot Aleksandra Kukina, Ol’gi Sorokinoy, Mariny Russkikh i dr.” [The specifics of artistic strategies in the practice of contemporary dance in St. Petersburg since the 1990s on the example of the works of Alexander Kukin, Olga Sorokina, Marina Russkikh and others]. (Master’s dissertation: St. Petersburg, 2020), 91
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 91
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 95
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 107
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 107
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 106
Sasha Kukin, “Choreographer’s page”, Sasha Kukin Dance Company, accessed July 3, 2021, http://www.kukin.spb.ru/en/about/choreographers-page.html.
Popova, “Strategiy v praktike sovremennogo tantsa Sankt-Peterburga,” 107
Richard Schechner, Performance Theory (London: Routledge, 1988)
Erika Fischer-Lichte, The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics, trans. Saskya Iris Jairn (Abingdon: Routledge, 2008), 180
Mikhail Buster, Elena Fedotova et al., Alternative Fashion before Glossies, 1985–1995. Moscow: Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, 2011. Exhibition catalog
Mikhail Buster, Alternative Fashion, 54
Andrei Bartenev, “Andrei Bartenev nakonets rasskazal vse o svoyem proshlom pri svidetelyakh” [Andrei Bartenev finally told all about his past before witnesses], Interviewrussia, February 17, 2012, http://www.interviewrussia.ru/art/andrey-bartenev-nakonec-rasskazal-vse-o-svoem-proshlom-pri-svidetelyah.
Leonid Parfenov, “Kluby” [Clubs], Proyekt “Namedni. Nasha Era” [The other day. Our era], https://namednibook.ru/kluby.html.
Sasha Obukhova, ed. Russian Performance 1910–2010. A Cartography of its History. Moscow: Garage, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2014. Exhibition catalog
Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, “Inteview,” Fraufluger.ru, November 3, 2011, http://www.fraufluger.ru/persons/vladislav_mamyishev-monro_krasota_v_izgnanii.htm. Politburo was the name for the commanding organ of the Communist party
Olga Vainshtein, “Sto igr na odnom litse: kostyumy i konteksty Andreya Barteneva” [A hundred games in one person: Costumes and contexts of Andrei Bartenev], Teoriya mody 56, no. 2 (2020): 115–143
Andrei Bartenev, “Na stile: Kak odevalis v 1991 godu?” [In style: how did they dress up in 1991?] (Public talk, Ostrov-91 Festival, Muzeon Summer Theater, Moscow, 20 August 2016)